To the regular person in the street, doesn’t  think about poetry.  Yes, they may visit a bookshop, but they ’see’ novels, books about adventures, love stories, discovery, history, etc. etc.  but they don’t look at poetry.  It’s just not in their DNA.

The poetry section in a bookstore is really not what people are thinking about when they visit a bookstore.  How can poets, get their art across to the every day man and women.  I know that my website tries to initiate interest in poetry to the Readers.   Both my poetry books are now in my local library system,  with the ePub format too.  This may help the general public, those who  are interested in poetry, old and new.

Of course, you will see some works from Shakespeare, Keats, Wordsworth, Shelly, Byron, these are well known poets. Their books are still being sold in bookstores and are on the bookshelves of libraries.  Their work is also included in anthologies, meaning one book, with multiple poets and their poetry.   These poets of yesteryear are the best,  and because of that, the poetry of today, doesn’t ‘live’ up to their standard of poetry.  Of course it was written in an old English style  which isn’t used today.  Their style and their language was romantic and thus was so popular.     You can feel the depth of the poetry from these and other poets, because they lived in a time of hardship, pain and sickness, life or death.  When they saw beauty in the countryside, it gave them great happiness, a joy they had not experienced before, so they wrote about it, and we are lucky enough to be able to read their poetry and interpret it.  Their poetry inspired me to write,  and I’m sure other poets of today have been inspired by the poets they grew up with, from school days.

Of course poets of today write about their experiences and how they see the world and the never ending story about love with all its facets.  They write about the moment in time, about the sadness of war,  and the beauty we see around us.  Life in all its fullness is what a poet writes about.

My two poetry books, ‘The Mists of Time’, and  ’Waking Up to Beauty’, are available to buy from Austin Macauley’s website:, also from Amazon Worldwide, and other major online retailers.  You can also order it from your local bookstore.  They also come in the ePub format which is convenient too.

I hope you will buy my books and enjoy them.

Thank you for visiting my website today.  I hope you’ll come back.


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