Good Morning Readers:
It’s good to be back again, and talking about
poetry; it is so much a part of our lives.
Have you noticed that at a memorial service, or
funeral, someone will read a poem to fit the occasion? It’s important to tell
the story about a loved one at this sad moment in time. It is at this
time, that many people turn to poetry. Some poets knew just the right way
to put a moment of tragedy into words that soften the sadness.
Weddings are also an opportunity for speeches.
Usually, the best man will stand up at some time, and talk about the couple,
sometimes in a jocular fashion. After some laughs he may find that piece of
paper in his pocket where he has copied a poem to read, becoming a little more
serious. The poem usually brings a silence in the audience, where they
listen attentively. Perhaps it is a poignant moment.
So, poetry plays a large part in our lives, it may
not be evident, but it is there.
In my poetry book, The Mists of Time, Published
by Austin Macauley, April 30, 2021, the poems tell a story and show us
just how much nature plays a part in our lives. We turn to poetry, to
express this beauty, and express sadness and joy in our lives.
I hope you will enjoy my book. It is
available at bookshops large and small around the world and of course, on line.
I you buy my book, perhaps you may like to write a
review, on this website, where you can also buy it.
Enjoy your summer poetry reading.
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