Hello Readers:
I hope this finds you well.
I don’t know if many of you who may be reading my
notes/blog today, like writing poetry yourselves. Have you ever tried to
write a poem? Poems to a loved one, or to your Mother on Mothers’
day, or a new love in your life. This will be a beginning for you to become
creative and this is a good thing. Poetry lifts the soul.
You can write poems on any subject. Poems do
not have to rhyme, but if you feel inspired about a certain subject or person,
then you will find, quite quickly, that when you put pen to paper, or should I
say, type on your computer, then you will find, when you have finished your
poem, it will show you a lot about yourself and also your subject.
It’s fun, just try it.
If you have bought my book, The Mists of Time, then
I hope you are enjoying it. A poetry book, can be a ‘pocket book’,
meaning that you can take it with you on a journey. When you have a
moment you can read the poems and enjoy them, when you are travelling or just
relaxing around the fire place in the evening.
You may like to read them with your girlfriend or
boyfriend, and talk about them. This is a way to get involved with
poetry and learn to love it. It’s been around for a very long time.
My poetry book, The Mists of Time, is for all ages,
it’s for everyone. Some poems that you read, may remind you of a special
time with your husband, or your wife. It might bring back certain
memories that you had not thought about for a long time. A poem may paint
a picture in your mind, of happiness and tranquil times.
Grandmothers and grandfathers would have enjoyed
poetry in their youth and would have read a lot of poetry throughout their
lives, and indeed have their favourite poet and poems. So, I am
hoping, that when you read these ideas, and thoughts around poetry, that this
will encourage you to go out and buy my book, The Mists of Time.
I think that many people are becoming creative, and
reading a lot. Perhaps even writing novels, or poetry, or music, or learning to
dance, etc. I think that everyone’s souls are looking for inspiration because
of the sadness in this world. All of our inspiration will lift the world
up again.
I hope you will find my book in your favourite
bookstore, or online.
Best wishes,
Anne Hay
Please write a book review
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