Good Morning Readers:

Here’s a little bit of psychology.  I’m thinking about poetry and a poet’s mood when they are writing. The mood dictates the outcome of the poem.

Happiness is something we are all looking for.  Happiness comes from making the right decisions in our lives.  Happiness is a moment in time, of pure joy.  It is an instant rush, a glow, a moment of pure delight.  When all is going well in your life;  with school, with your work, with your marriage and your friends and parents, you are content and happy.

You might ask, ‘how do we sustain happiness?’  Well, so did the poets.  They wrote about the human condition, and they won our hearts.  They wrote about beauty and the seasons, with such visual poetic feeling.  Yes, they wrote about happiness and despair, melancholy and pain,  in their poetic realm. Life wasn’t easy for the Romantic Poets of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.

We all need to examine our lives.  Especially, with regards to the Covid 19 pandemic and what this has cost the world.   So many people have died around the world, and it is not over.  So many businesses have been lost, lives disrupted. There is no happiness here.

We need to think what happiness or contentment means to us at this particular time in our lives, and how we can give back to the world, or at least our little corner of the world.

We need to be thankful for the little things in life, and not yearn for material wealth.  Contentment is everything, be thankful for what we have now.  Money doesn’t always bring contentment, but contentment of mind is something worth searching for.  Helping one another is important in this quest;  this will give us a certain kind of peace.

When we read a poem, in the future, we will be able to feel the mood of the poet, just that little bit more.  We can feel the joy and the uplifting spirit in a poem, or on the other hand, we can feel the depths of despair when a poet takes us into the darkness and hopelessness of a life that has been hurt by tragic circumstances or the sadness and loss of a loved one.  We can feel the emotion that only poetry can give us.

I hope my poetry book, The Mists of Time, will appeal to you;  there are many poems, each one very different.  If you enjoy my website, I hope you will become a frequent visitor.

Please write a Review, this will be helpful for other readers, who may like to buy my book too.

Enjoy your day.

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