If you can capture a moment of tranquility in your busy life, then you may like to read a novel or some poetry, or even write some poetry.

Writing poetry will bring a certain peace to your lives.  Have you ever tried to write a poem about the place where you live, or the surrounding countryside or perhaps about a special friendship?

After the lockdowns, caused by the Coronavirus, no matter where in the world you are, people of all ages are flocking into book stores.  I know that you are tired of endlessly watching TV and films;  with the constant hype of the news programs.  These put you on edge, they make you feel like everything is hopeless.  So, switch off the news and get out your poetry book.

I know you are hungry to find interesting books to read, or the need to venture into unknown territory, perhaps art classes.  What fun!  Thinking like this is good for the soul.  It is creative.

My poetry book, The Mists of Time, was recently released by Austin Macauley Publishers in London, April 30, 2021.  I think that you will get a sense of enjoyment and calmness when you read my poems.  Poetry can take you to another world, it can open the door to a new way of thinking.

Sitting quietly, after a busy day at the office, or after a morning doing the housework, or out on the farm with the sheep dogs, or rounding up the cattle;  reading poetry can be uplifting, and it will make you think about aspects of life and living that you may not have thought about before.

To write poetry, I think you have to be a bit of a dreamer, a bit of a romantic.  You have to stop and smell the roses, otherwise, special moments will just pass you by.

I think that poetry and springtime are the perfect duo.  When you are in love, I think it is nice to talk about poetry and to read it.  This is the time when you may like to write poetry to your loved ones.  Some of your favourite poets, may come to mind too.

In my poetry book, The Mists of Time, I refer to John Keats, at various times. I do feel an affinity towards his poetry;  I was young and in love with life when I learned many of his poems.  During different times in our lives, you will find that poetry becomes second nature to you.  You may read some beautiful, inspiring poetry and even write some yourselves.

Please don’t forget to write a review of The Mists of Time.

Au revoir


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