Poetry and Poets of Ukraine

Good morning, Readers:

I want to draw your attention to the world of literature in Ukraine.  I’ve been researching a little bit, but this is a huge field of information.  Yes, poetry is being written by so many people, in all walks of life.

Since the war in Ukraine, there has been an outpouring of immense and powerful feelings, being written by people who just want to write about what they are experiencing.  Because of this, there is a new government website in Ukraine for people who are new poets, and for those established poets, to upload every piece of poetry written.  This will be part of Ukraine’s history.  Wars end, but poetry is the written word, and will survive. 

I shall attach an article from The Guardian newspaper from 2022, called “For Ukrainians, poetry isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity during war,” by Charlotte Higgins.  This is a very interesting article, as you will find. 


In this article, there is the mention of a new novel, anthology of Ukrainian poems, Words for War, born from the conflict that began in 2014 with Russian annexations in the Donbas and Crimea.  This book has been translated into English, it will give you an insight into the hearts and minds of the Ukrainian people and their poetry from the heart.

The Synopsis from my book, “Waking Up to Beauty”, stands the test of time.

Poems are small individual vignettes. Each one telling a story and painting a picture.”

“Poetry is a special art form.  People from all walks of life can express themselves and their thoughts through poetry.”

Sometimes a memory triggers an emotion: if you like to write poetry, then there is no better way to express a moment in time than to write the words that give a poem life.”

Best wishes,


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