Good Morning Readers:

I thought it would be interesting, if you could do a bit of investigating.

It’s about including poetry in a relationship.  It would be an interesting exercise if you could ask family members if they like poetry, and if they can recite a poem they once knew, or had a favourite poem or poet.   I’m trying to ascertain, just what influence poetry has had on personal relationships.

Think back to days at school or university.  Do you remember any of the poets and poems that inspired you throughout your life?  Did you ever write a poem to a loved one, a sweet heart?   I think most of us did.

I wonder if any of you, young or old, may have a collection of poems that were written to you from a loved one,  which you may have kept through the years, tied up with a ribbon. Perhaps they are in a shoe box in the attic.  Perhaps you might like to look for them, and reminisce about your youth and loves, or perhaps not!

The importance of poetry is shown to us in a very special place.  Part of a verse from the poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling, is inscribed over the entrance to Wimbledon.  It says….


If you can meet with triumph and disaster

 And treat those two impostors just the same;


Using a literary quote, has a deep meaning.  In the case of Wimbledon, it is there, to point out to the players, that win or lose, one needs to be able to adjust to either situation, in a sporting manner.  Poetry can express a moment in time so perfectly.  You may like to read the whole poem,  “If”.  It is powerful and thought-provoking.

Perhaps you have already bought my poetry book, The Mists of Time, and are enjoying it.  You can also buy the e-Pub format which is an e-book.  They were released by Austin Macauley Publishers, April 30, 2021.

The book and e-book are available at large and small bookstores.  Your local bookstore may have to order them for you, or you can also buy them on-line and through Austin Macauley’s website, see below.   The poems in the book will suit many tastes and ages. I hope you like them.

I would appreciate it, if you could write a review on the Austin Macauley site:


This will help others, who may decide to buy my book, thanks.

Have fun with your poetry and your memories, and I hope you find the ‘box’ in the attic!


Best wishes,


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