Good Morning Readers:

Combined Book Exhibit (CBE) is a company that organises International book fairs. 

Austin Macauley Publishers provide information to their authors, to help them decide how best to showcase their books after publication, and to get them visibly out in the public square.  This is besides the marketing they provide their authors.

It’s advantageous to select the occasional Book Fair, from time to time. This could be helpful if the location of the Fair could benefit the book and have a particular impact.  Austin Macauley’s authors get a discount when registering for Book Fairs with CBE. We choose from a selected list.

Earlier this year, I registered for an exhibition in June, 2021 –  American Library Association Annual. The ALA will go virtual in June and attract thousands of librarians to the event.  CBE will continue to mount an online searchable catalog for a period of two years.  I also received the ALA virtual showcase plus a free physical display of my poetry book, The Mists of Time,  at the New York Library Association, November 3-6, 2021. 


The book fair that one chooses, may have an impact for a year or two afterwards, because of what is offered.  It could be an online searchable catalog for a period of two years.  So, when the book fair is over, there are benefits which extend further into the future. Thus embracing longer visibility.


I looked through the International Book Fair list again, to see which one I would register for next. I decided upon:

2022 LONDON BOOK FAIR New Title Showcase

Show Date:- Apr 05, 2022 – Apr 07, 2022

My book will be displayed here, which I am very excited about.  Plus I decided to put an AD in the London Book Fair Catalogue, as an extra option.   I’m hoping that these book fairs will help

with more publicity/visibility.   This is the whole purpose behind them.

Thank you for visiting my website.  If you are interested in learning more about my poetry book, The Mists of Time, you can visit Austin Macauley’s  website:

https://www.austinmacauley.com/book/mists-time, where you can discover a little bit about the poems in my book, and where you can buy my book.  If you like the poetry, perhaps you may like to write a review, on the same website.

Life is all about expressing ourselves in different ways.  I hope that I bring some interest into your lives by means of my poetry and the stories and pictures they paint in your minds, when you are reading them. 

Best wishes,


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