Good morning Readers;

This year has started very quickly.  I‘ve already registered  both my poetry books for display at the 2024 London Book Fair New Title Showcase.  Show Date:  March 12 - 14, 2024. 

It is a good thing to enter book fairs frequently, it doesn’t matter how many times.  To get one’s work out into the “public square”, as I say, is a good thing; where it can be seen, and pondered over by booksellers, distributors, educators, agents and film production companies, librarians, teachers, and many other professional people.  There is always a place somewhere, for your particular art form, and book fairs are great for Authors.  Im hoping that this book fair will help with more publicity/visibility.   This is the whole purpose behind them.

There will be an online catalogue which will be provided by Combined Book Exhibit, and can be seen  for 2 years after the 2024 show. This is a great advantage.

My two poetry books which were published by Austin Macauley Publishers in 2021 and 2022 respectively, are:

1)         The Mists of Time

2)         Waking Up to Beauty

If you want to learn a little bit more about the poems in my books, please visit www.austinmacauley.com, and look up “Authors”, where you will find my name. You already know my website!  You can buy the paperback version or the ePub version of my books, either online or at the above website.  They are great gifts and I think there is a poem to suit all tastes in each book.  I hope you will enjoy them.

 If you like the poetry, perhaps you may like to write a review, on the same website. It’s easy, and it is helpful to other people who may be thinking of buying a book, but not sure if it will suit their tastes.  You can help by writing a review of each book, providing you have read the poetry.

The review doesn’t have to be long;  just jot down a few thoughts of how the poetry made  you feel etc. and if you liked it. 

Life is all about expressing ourselves in different ways.  I hope that I bring some interest into your lives by means of my poetry and the stories and pictures they paint in your minds, when you are reading them. 

Best wishes,


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