Good Morning Readers:
I hope this finds you well.
In mid-April, I will be holding a workshop at my
local library. The ‘Event’ will be a talk about poetry, and my poetry
book, ‘The Mists of Time’ which was published by Austin Macauley,
April, 2021.
My book and e-book have been accepted into my local
library system and so anyone who is a member can borrow the book, or get the
e-book uploaded to any device. The City of Gold Coast Library
system has 21 libraries, so it is rather large.
My talk will consist of my interest in poetry and
how I decided to get my poems published. I’ll read a few poems from my
own book, and some other poems from a few, well-known poets, that I’m sure will
be popular. I’ll touch on Shakespeare, one of the greatest playwrights,
poet and sonnet writers, who has worldwide recognition and popularity, to this
day. Students of literature always enjoy taking part in
Shakespearean plays. I’m sure the audience will know a few plays he wrote,
and sonnets too. Shakespeare also wrote quite a number of everyday
phrases that we still use today, that come straight from his plays. For
instance: “Vanish into thin air,” “wild-goose chase,” “wear my
heart upon my sleeve,” and so on.
I hope to encourage the audience to get involved
and ask questions. I think this gets everyone thinking. I want to
talk about the need to promote poetry, because it is a dying art form, and also
ask the audience if any of them have written any poetry throughout their lives
and if it has been published.
If you are interested in learning more about my
poetry book, ‘The Mists of Time’, you can visit Austin
Macauley’s website:,
where you can read some of the poems in my book, and where you can also buy my
If you buy my book, and like the poetry, perhaps
you may like to write a review, on the same website, it is very easy. Just
write a sentence or two to explain if you liked the poems and why, and how they
made you feel. This recommendation may help other people, who like
poetry, to decide to buy my book too.
My poetry book, ‘The Mists of Time’,
and also the e-book are both available to buy at online bookstores, or you can
order them from your local bookstore.
Thank you for visiting my website today.
Best wishes,
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