Hello Readers:

Did you know, that you can order my poetry book, The Mists of Time, at any bookstore and they will get it for you?

Did you know, that if a bookstore, maybe your local bookstore, got enough requests from customers for my poetry book,  The Mists of Time,  they could start to stock my book, and this is a good thing.  This will bring more customers into their bookstore to buy my book as well as other books.

Did you know that many small bookstores are going under.  This is not a good thing.  We must support our local bookstores, so that they continue to be a source of pride in our High streets and our Malls.  Our local bookstores are a vibrant part of our communities all over the world.  This is why, we the consumers/customers should buy books from our local bookstores, to keep them healthy and strong.  So, please pop into your local bookstore next time you are passing.


Did you know, that poetry is becoming more and more popular in today’s world.  I hope you will enjoy my book, The Mists of Time.

Best wishes,

Anne Hay

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