Good morning, Readers,

This is to inform you of my upcoming Speaking and Book-Signing Event for my second poetry book, ‘Waking Up To Beauty”.  My book will be available for you to buy, at the event, at a discount price of $10.

Here are the details of the Event:

Where: Runaway Bay Library

Address:          Lae Drive, Runaway Bay,

                        Queensland, 4216

                         (This is on the Gold Coast, which is part of the East Coast of Australia).

Country:          Australia

Date:               Tuesday 20th June

Time:               11:00 am to 12noon

Event:  - I shall be talking about my writing journey.  How I have written poetry for many years, and how I started to write again around 2018/19.  I will read a poem or two from my book, and also one or two other poems from the Romantic period, 1700 - 1850’s.  We will discuss why we think poetry is beneficial to us all, in this day and age.

I look forward to an interactive session with the audience.  Poetry is special, wherever it comes from, and I hope they will want to buy my book, “Waking Up to Beauty”.  This book, also comes in an ePub format, so, you may also like to buy this at a bookstore, so that it can be uploaded onto your device afterwards.

I do hope that you will write a book review after reading the poetry.  Book reviews are helpful to others who may be interested in buying my poetry book, but who want to learn a little bit more, from other people, who have already bought it.  Just write a few lines, about what you thought about the poetry, and how it made you feel, it’s easy.  Just go to the website below, and you will see, “Write a Review”, in green.  Follow the simple directions.


I’ll see you there…

Best wishes,

Anne Hay

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