Good Morning Readers,

I hope each and every one of you are keeping well.  Today, I want to talk a little about post-publication of my book.

The News and Blog articles I write, usually one a week, are  contributing to marketing my book and also helping  Austin Macauley Publishers.  I enjoy writing these articles, and including a picture l think fits the narrative, somewhat.

After submitting my poems to Austin Macauley Publishers,  and then working for a year or so with the editor to produce my work into the finished product, a book, ready to publish;  at the end of it all, when there is nothing more to do, except wait for that wonderful day when one’s book is published, one feels a bit lost.  Nothing left to do, or edit;  just the waiting.

Having my website, and writing weekly articles,  helps to keep me in touch  with poetry and my contacts at Austin Macauley Publishers.  So, I am in good hands, and amongst friends.

Then there are the Book Fairs which Austin Macauley encourages us to register for.   I have chosen a few book fairs where my work will be shown. This is a good thing to do, as it will help to promote my poetry and perhaps give it a bit of prominence.

I’m hoping that my Blogs and News articles are helping you, the Readers, to focus more on literature and especially the genre of poetry.  There is so much to explore and thus to find your own special area of interest, be it in poetry or other categories of literary composition.

I looked through the International Book Fair list and registered for the 2022 LONDON BOOK FAIR New Title Showcase, Show Date:- Apr 05, 2022 – Apr 07, 2022.  My book will be displayed there,  with thousands of others, plus, I decided to put an AD in the London Book Fair Catalogue, as an extra option.   I’m hoping that these book fairs will help with more publicity/visibility.   This is the whole purpose behind them. So, there is a lot to think about after one’s book is published.  This has become my next job!

I’m sure you all know by now, that you can buy my book online, and in most bookshops.  I hope you will enjoy it, and perhaps write a book review on:  website.  You can also buy my book or ebook on the website above.  You may prefer the ebook format, as you can upload the book onto most tablets and mobile devices.  Easy, when you’re travelling, or at the beach.

All the best,


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